Caemelyn Group Care Home

Home Rating

Our Home is rated most importantly by our residents and their relatives, it is inspected and regulated by the Care and Social Services inspectorate Wales (CSSIW).

Our Own Quality Assurance

We undertake an annual quality assurance survey asking our residents  relatives, staff and visiting professionals for feedback on the service we provide.

A quality assurance questionnaire was completed by each resident with the assistance of a member of staff where needed. All residents were happy at Cae Melyn, some commenting:

“It is fantastic living at Cae Melyn. The staff are wonderful. I enjoy days out I have at Cae Melyn.”
“Everything is good.”
“Everything about it.”
“I like living here and am very happy.”
“Loves living here.”
“It’s a lovely home. I like the activities. I get on well with everyone.”

When asked, Is there anything we can do to help improve your independence? The responses included:

“Help with washing and do some ironing.”
“Use washing machine.”
“Everything is ok”.

Are there any other activities you would like to do? The response was:

“Would like to go to the zoo, go on holiday.”
“Horse riding, walking”.
“Think I do enough.”
“Go out more, see bike shows.”
“Tennis, walks picnic”

A relative quality assurance questionnaire was sent out. The comments were positive:

“A is very happy and looks forward to returning when he has spent time away.”
“Residents all beautifully looked after – a very happy home.”
“He says he can always find someone who will listen and help with his anxieties.”
“A tad worried about B skin condition on toes, other that no.”
“We enjoy his company when he is home. We like having phone calls. The newsletter is brilliant.”
“It is lovely to see the things C is doing in the photos we have received – the newsletter is great.”

A quality questionnaire was given to all staff to complete. The questionnaire asked five questions and the responses are summarised below:

1. Is our service safe?
“We don’t let anything happen to them, we look after them at all times when in our care.”
“Abuse training, food hygiene training, health and safety training attend updates, follow procedures.”
“We prevent residents from receiving unsafe care and treatment and prevent avoidable harm or risk of harm.”
“The residents know the y can come and talk to any member of staff if they have any problems.”

2. Is our service effective?
“The residents choose activities and meals etc., and staff are there to offer any advice if required.”
“Our residents have their own voice and we listen and support their daily choices and help with any worries they have.”
“Read and update care plans, liaise with healthcare professionals eg GP, OT physiotherapists, support with activities.”
“They are given the choice of where they want to go and on whole all residents seem happy.”
“By working together to deliver high quality care focused on the needs of the service users.”

3. Is our service caring?
“Certain staff provide a safe service.”
“You would or should treat residents the way you would like to be treated , always with respect and dignity.”
“How care plans, communication with friends and family ensure all care needs are catered for to a high standard.”
“I listen and respond to the individual and treat them as I would want to be treated.”
“Promote independence life skills ensure care plans are followed and their safety

4. Is our service responsive?
“If any residents have a problem you have a chat and see if you can be any help to them.”
“Follow individuals’ care plans and respond quickly to any complaints or problems and have resident meetings”
“I always listen and respond to the individuals’ needs, wants and care.”
“Make time for residents to listen to their concerns and follow care plan.”

5. Is our service well-led?
“New management making good changes improving residents life style and day to day experience.”
“New management time will tell.”
“Regular supervisions, training courses, good communication.”

We sent a questionnaire to the professional staff who visit our home. One GP and one community nurse answered on behalf of their colleagues. The comments made in response to the questions asked are shown below:

  • “An excellent service is provided by Cae Melyn”.
  • “Very good”.
  • “Caters well for personal needs”.
  • “It appears that D is receiving the very best of care available.”

Care and Social Services Inspectorate Wales

The latest inspection was undertaken on 2oth and 28th July 2015 and the report was published on 21st October 2015.

This report can be viewed on the CSSIW web site

Click here to view latest report
