Caemelyn Group Care Home

Category: Residents Views

There were regular Resident Meetings conducted during the year. The meetings covered the following topics:

  •  Menu – daily choices
  •  Menu – healthy eating
  •  Activities
  •  Outings
  •  Use of communal space
  •  Daily routines
  •  New college courses
  •  Fish tank and terrapin tank
  •  Telephones
  •  Broadband
  •  Membership renewal of Welshpool to Llanfair Light Railway

A quality assurance questionnaire was completed by each resident with the assistance of a member of staff where needed. The result of this showed:

  •  All residents were happy with the running of the Home and could not think of any ideas for improvement.
  •  There were no concerns raised.
  •  Just like living here.